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a month full of stress posted at 10:02

Test bertimbun, assignment beratur, report needed to be submitted at one time, lecturer merajuk..
fuh! yay! i'm breaking!
sbb report kne hantr dlm satu masa, we are like 'okay, tonight kita buat photo'
Next day, 'today kita siapkan slide law'
another day 'today plak kita siapkan report photo again'
Next 'Ari ni kita combine n edit blk slide geodesy'
Kami x buat last minute, tpi buat slow2 coz got class almost every night and kls dri pgi smpi 630. Then, after everything have been submitted. There's this little drama..

Lecturer : Mne report kamu?
kami : bukn madam ckp hntr mggu dpn? ari tu madam ckp mggu ni mdm x de.
-lecturer denied whatever we're saying-
Lecturer : saya nk kamu submit sebelum pukul 5 ari ni. Lmbt tolak mrkh.

But we got classes! Oh, she will never listen. She even said 'kamu ckp lgi, saya tolak lgi mrkh kamu'
Hell! thank you but no!
huru hara kami di buatnya! ponteng satu kelas survey comp bcoz klu kami pegi kls, x smpt siapkn report sbb tggl lagi 4 jam b4 kol 5. so, we decided, x pe la.. baru skli nk ponteng ni. so, kami pon ponteng n dpt masa lebih kurng 6 jam.
A lecturer da merajuk sbb rmi x dtg kls die.

8 persons, 8 laptops, laughter, scolding n nagging here and there.. then, finally. the report was done!
lps tuh.. jeng jeng jeng..
esoknye pegi kls hydro, dia pon berkat 'mrkh report yg kamu bgi dkt saya tuh mrkh x lebih dri 60'
Well, at least die bgi edit blk. Thank u. Really appreciate that.

So, kami amek blk, buat lain. edit here n there after class mlm.  Smpi tertido dpn laptop dak2 group ak. Mata da x larat bukak. Dak2 laki x lalu nk online. On fb pon sbb nk anta document. kesian dak2 group ak..
around 4-5 am bru ak tido.. plannye nk bgon pukul 9 esoknye.. tpi letih x ckup tido mlm2 before tuh, time2 ni la nk dtg. bgon kol 11. pukul 12 ade kls. so, the only thing in my mind is 'I'm doom!'

but i managed to get into the class, well at least only 5 minutes late. Report yg mempunyai lebih dri 100 muka surat pon kami junjung nk anta. Then, die kata nk buat test for teamwork.
Shit! the only reason to give the hard task to us because we're the second last group to submit the report.
And she wanted to give us 0 because we cant do it. What can we do if the graph doesn't want to come out?!
Let me repeat, it's a mark for teamwork not result. I emphasized TEAMWORK.
oh.. tpi i got no feeling anymore so yeah, what can i do now. Nothing will change anything. it's our fault anyway i guess for not studying more.

Lecturer merajuk sbb case x on computer. Dude, ask for a help if you didn't know how to do it. nk kata huru-hara hari tuh, ktorng ni pon huru-hara jugak. X sempat mkn dri pgi (n berterusan smpi ke mlm. sempat la jamah kuih sikit b4 g kls mlm), berlari dtg kls, x ckup tido. bile kami ckp mcm tuh, mereka kata 'normal lah tu,kamu kan student'
Then, can i say the same? x pe la.. sy belaja sndri nnti klu saya x phm, saya dtg jumpe madam ye.
Haish, ble stress + x cukup tido + risau = a person breaking down
wanted to cry. Org buat bnde kecil pon bley terasa.. End up me wanted to be alone.
tpi rsenye, lps ni da ok kot. Bnde2 yg bnyk keje sume da submit.

now, let me get my beauty sleep. after i read whatever my rite up there. I realized that it just a weak side of me speaking, complaining. I'm just a normal human after all. bieng a student is hard, but i guess being a lecturer is harder. Well, they needs to hear complaining here and there, have more than hundred student to take care of. Thank you for putting up with us.

well, i think i'm being weird here. Could it be bcoz i need to sleep now?
So yeah, nyte2! Let's sleep!

I'm just a girl. Sometimes normal and sometimes retarded. It's depends who I am with.
My Obsession
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